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We only accept content that is both 100% original and hasn’t been published elsewhere.
Plagiarism is not permitted. Copying another person’s work and changing some words or phrases counts as plagiarism.
Post should be at least 1000 words, though we prefer 1500 to 2000 words. It may contain relevant images and outbound links that improve the overall experience of our readers. However, please note that irrelevant hyperlinks will be removed.
Please make sure that the write-up is crafted in third-person.
It should be Well- structured, Proofread and Grammatically correct.
Post should not be promotional or advertorial. You can’t advertise your product, business or service within your guest post. This means do not mention your company, or link to it, or link to your company’s blog within the guest post. Also, do not include screenshots that brand your own product or online properties.
The image selected should either be from the public collection available on the internet or originally created by your company.
Our clients are: DeviQA, ScienceSoft, A1QA and others.