Smart Business Daily
Category Automobile
Link Type Do Follow
Max Links Allowed 3
Moz Domain Authority 52
Moz Page Authority 47
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Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 117507
SemRush Keywords num 12291
SemRush Traffic 14323
SemRush Costs 22281
SemRush URL Links num 5150
SemRush HOST Links num 18189
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 19075
Facebook comments 409
Facebook shares 394
Facebook reactions 232
AHREFS Domain Rating Rank: 1247561
Domain rating: 44
External backlinks: 386
Referring domains: 216
Dofollow backlinks: 103
Referring ips: 91
Moz Stats Rank: 4.7
Links In: 17216
Equity: 3732

1. The article should be fresh, informative, and grammatical error-free.

2. Only 1 commercial link will be accepted. If you wish, you can add 1 extra high authority blog post link.

3. Your commercial link will be do-follow and permanent.

5. The article must have a compelling intro, conclusion, subheading, and points.

6. The article should be related to our website and industry-related.

7. We don’t accept Casino, Gambling, and adult-related content or links.

8. We do charge extra for Vaping, CBD, Essay writing, Crypto, Bitcoin related links (An extra charge of $100).

9. The article should be published within 2 days if the article meets our editorial guidelines.

10. Please don’t build low-quality tier 2 links to your blog post. If we discover low-quality links to blog posts, your post will be removed without any refund.

11. The payment should be made within 7 days.

12. You have to provide at least 700 words, 100% unique


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