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Write on your specialist subject - Select a topic that you’re an expert on or have a genuine interest in, whether that’s fitness or nutrition, just make sure that it's something you think our audience would love.

Back up any claims - We don’t make exaggerated promises so we wouldn’t want any post to go against this. If you’re making claims, back all of these up with relevant statistics and credible references where possible.

Unique content - Please only submit new posts that haven’t already been published on other websites or outlets. If you wish to repost it on your website afterwards, then you’ll need to wait twelve weeks before doing so and link it back to our original post so Google doesn’t think it’s duplicate content.

Make it easy to read - All content should ideally be between 500-1,500 words long with sub-headers and professional formatting. Include practical takeaways and a detailed conclusion at the end of your piece. 

Don’t spam links - Only place links where they’re genuinely needed and it makes sense to do so. Nobody wants to read articles with a link every other sentence which feel like a marketing pitch

No casino or adult content - We don't allow any casino or adult content on our site

Casino, Bitcoin, Crypto currency, Betting, CBD, Adult content NOT acceptable.


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