
Category Home & Garden
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Page Authority 45
Moz Rank 4.5
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Sample Guest Post https://heckhome.com/how-to-reset-honeyw ...
Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 693427
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SemRush Traffic 1423
SemRush Costs 1839
SemRush URL Links num 34817
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The overall quality of our content is our priority. Here is a list of some topics or ideas that you may want to use to write your content.

Guidelines for Posting

If you’ve read this far and you’re still interested in submitting some of your writing to our site, here are some guidelines that you may find useful.

  1. Your topic should be relevant and pertain to the home decor niche. We use our platform to provide our readers with information.
  2. The word count should range anywhere between 800 and 2000 words. You should be researching before and during the writing process to make sure that everything is accurate. We welcome quotes and references if you’re getting your information from somewhere else.
  3. You should include a minimum of 1 picture with your post. To do this, you can either send us an image that you’ve taken or you can include a reference to the original photographer if you’re taking it from someone else.
  4. We welcome links in your work. 
  5. Don’t forget your conclusion. At the end of your post, there should be a section dedicated to summarizing your article.
  6. We accept all formats so long as they aren’t write-protected. 
  7. You should format your post to be interactive. This means including lists, embedded links, headings and sub-headings etc.
  8. We will likely edit your article for any spelling, formatting, or grammar mistakes. However, we may also go over your body of work.
  9. If you like, you can submit a short description of yourself to go with your submission.


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