
Category Fashion & Lifestyle
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Domain Authority (DA) 51
Page Authority 42
Moz Rank 4.2
Links In 3801
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Sample Guest Post https://www.theurbancrews.com/celeb/abou ...
Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 223651
SemRush Keywords num 1375
SemRush Traffic 6470
SemRush Costs 13985
SemRush URL Links num 2358
SemRush HOST Links num 9647
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 12100
Facebook comments 58
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Please note that we only accept articles in the  FASHION | TRAVEL | LIFESTYLE | CELEB | BEAUTY niches. We regret to inform you that posts in other categories will be automatically rejected.

> The content must be at least 800 words long, but longer articles are preferred.

Apart from your link(s) (do-follow), we allow 1-2 do-follow backlinks for the same website.
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We don't allow promotional content or posts related to Casino/Betting, Gambling, Forex, Dating, Poker, CBD, or Eyes Vapers niche

We'll publish your article within 24 hours, which is the quickest publish time. The maximum time iWe'll publish your article within 24 hours, which is the quickest publish time. The maximum time is 3 working days.