Category Sports
Link Type Do Follow
Max Links Allowed 3
Domain Authority (DA) 45
Page Authority 53
Moz Rank 5.3
Links In 30156
Equity 2639
Google Indexed Pages Check Indexed Pages
Sample Guest Post https://www.unigamesity.com/5-live-poker ...
Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 913170
SemRush Keywords num 8524
SemRush Traffic 951
SemRush Costs 35
SemRush URL Links num 232
SemRush HOST Links num 49428
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 50451
Facebook comments 12
Facebook shares 130
Facebook reactions 20

The price is $99 for a normal gaming-related article and $149 for a gambling-related one. The articles should have 1 do-follow link for the client and 2-3 authority ones ( Can be 2 dofollow links for a client if it's the same domain).


For link inclusion general price is $75 per link and casino/gambling price is $199 per link


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