Category Digital Marketing
Link Type Do Follow
Max Links Allowed 1
Domain Authority (DA) 21
Page Authority 50
Moz Rank 5
Links In 618263
Equity 612332
Google Indexed Pages Check Indexed Pages
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Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 462740
SemRush Keywords num 6044
SemRush Traffic 3313
SemRush Costs 6275
SemRush URL Links num 373308
SemRush HOST Links num 1103155
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 1108826
Facebook comments 1
Facebook shares 787
Facebook reactions 3

1. The post will be permanent

2. The post will be Google indexed

3. Guest posts must be naturally written and not promotional.

4. All content must be original and unpublished elsewhere.

5. The topic should revolve around our niche (Digital Marketing), which aligns with our target audience and website focus.

6. Only one do-follow contextual link is allowed.

7. Minimum 1500 words.

8. Content must pass AI detection and plagiarism checks.

9. Articles should be keyword-optimized and follow EEAT best practices.

10. Provide the main keyword, volume, meta title, and description.

11. AI-generated content is strictly prohibited. If your article is rejected for AI content, we will not accept more articles from you.

12. Gambling, casino, crypto, adult, dating content, or related backlinks are unacceptable.