The Coffee Mom
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SemRush Rank 397601
SemRush Keywords num 7268
SemRush Traffic 3267
SemRush Costs 1130
SemRush URL Links num 321
SemRush HOST Links num 5652
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 7446
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Content Guidelines:
To ensure your content aligns seamlessly with my website's standards, please follow these guidelines:
- Originality: All content must be original and not posted elsewhere online.
- Content Niche: The content should be relevant to my niche, which includes motherhood, cooking, home and garden, working mom career tips, and travel. (No illegal substances/adult content) Please see the categories on the website to confirm your content is a suitable fit.
- Word Count: The post should be a minimum of 750 Words
- Links: Up to 3 do-follow links can be included.
- Optional Sections: Feel free to include a section in your document for:
Meta description
Featured Snippet
Desired Category Placement
- Editing Rights: I reserve the right to make spelling, grammatical, and SEO optimization edits to the post. The anchor text and links will not be altered. Images, Meta descriptions, slugs, Meta titles, headers, and internal links may be edited for website content and SEO optimization purposes.
Link Inserts:
If your project includes link inserts, please provide the following information for each link:
- Link to Your Article: The URL of the page you want to link to.
- Anchor Text: The text you want readers to click on.
- Your URL: The URL of your website.
- Specific Placement: (Optional) If you have a preference for where the link should be inserted within the post, please specify.
- Additional Content: (Optional) In some cases, additional content around the link may be required to make the anchor text flow naturally. If you have any suggestions, please include them.