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Max Links Allowed 2
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Moz Rank 4
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SemRush URL Links num 4301
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Guest posts must have a football (soccer, not American football) related topic, title and content.
You can include your link(s) and some surrounding relevant text.

We accept links to gambling, betting, casino, iGaming, crypto, Forex, essay writing and other websites (please ask to be sure).

We don't accept links to CBD, Drugs, Adult sites.
- One or two Do-Follow client links (other links to news/generic sites or internal pages allowed)
- 500 words minimum
- We will choose images/videos to add
- The post will be permanent
- We do not mark articles as sponsored
- Articles are usually indexed by Google very quickly (1-2 days)
- Articles will remain on our site permanently
- Turnaround time is usually within 24 hours of sending us the article