Category Home & Garden
Link Type Do Follow
Max Links Allowed 3
Domain Authority (DA) 51
Page Authority 36
Moz Rank 3.6
Links In 1364
Equity 276
Google Indexed Pages Check Indexed Pages
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Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 1912290
SemRush Keywords num 2494
SemRush Traffic 296
SemRush Costs 561
SemRush URL Links num 3758
SemRush HOST Links num 10568
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 10568
Facebook comments 141
Facebook shares 152
Facebook reactions 73

1. The post will be permanent with 3 do-follow links

2. Content should be related to only home improvements or home decor.

3. Casino, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Betting, CBD, and Adult content are NOT acceptable

4. Topic-related 2 images are compulsory.

5. The anchor should be relevant to the linked article/site

6. You have to provide at least 850+ words article, 100% unique, informative not promotional content

7. Sponsor tag is not allowed

8. Content should be well structured in H1, H2, and H3 headings.

9. Add a high authority contextual link in the article.

10. AI or spun content is strictly prohibited

11. The complete article should circulate around a particular theme of “home decor” or “home improvement”.

12. The content should be SEO-friendly. Content without any target keyword and SEO optimization will be rejected.

13. You must provide the target keyword and meta description along with the article.

14. Link insertion in the existing post price is the same.

15. Allowed Categories & Niches:

Home Improvement & Home Decor