Rez Aid
Category Digital Marketing
Link Type Do Follow
Max Links Allowed 2
Domain Authority (DA) 24
Page Authority 32
Moz Rank 3.2
Links In 4235
Equity 3328
Google Indexed Pages Check Indexed Pages
Sample Guest Post ...
Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 550121
SemRush Keywords num 4685
SemRush Traffic 2709
SemRush Costs 3848
SemRush URL Links num 98
SemRush HOST Links num 325
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 3684
Facebook comments 0
Facebook shares 507
Facebook reactions 1

Details, Guidelines

1. The post will be permanent

2. The post will be Google indexed

3. Casino, Bitcoin, Crypto currency, Betting, CBD, Adult content NOT acceptable

4. Promotional articles are not acceptable

5. Only TWO do-follow links are available per article

6. You have to provide at least 600 words, 100% unique, informative not promotional content.

7. All the guidelines are subject to the website Policy.