
Category News & Media
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Domain Authority (DA) 48
Page Authority 50
Moz Rank 5
Links In 307981
Equity 182127
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Sample Guest Post https://rayhaber.com/guncel/tanitim-yazi ...
Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 1729620
SemRush Keywords num 2962
SemRush Traffic 347
SemRush Costs 25
SemRush URL Links num 360361
SemRush HOST Links num 1386160
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 1441313
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RayHaber is publishing in 55 languages since 12 years and we have 100K dailly visitors. Your guest post will be highly linked by our language sub-domains from translated backlinks

1. The post will be permanent

2. The post will be Google indexed

3. Porn, Casino, Hard Drugs content NOT acceptable

4. Promotional articles are acceptable

5. Only 3 do-follow links are available per article

6. You have to provide at least 500 words, 100% unique, informative.

7. Can use any anchor