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Sample Guest Post https://outsourceit.today/how-to-transla ...
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1. The post will be permanent.

2. 3 do-follow links are allowed per article for the same website.

3. The post will be Google indexed

4. A Link Insertion in the published article price is the same.

5. Casino, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Betting, CBD, and Adult content are NOT acceptable

6. Topic-related images of high-quality and non-copyright.

7. You have to provide at least 1200+ words article, 100% unique, and informative.

8. Guest/Sponsor tag is not allowed.

9. Article should not be promotional.

10. 0% plagiarism (margin of 2% is allowed if it is due to technical terms and phrases that cannot be replaced or re-written

11. Give a suitable title to the text.

12. Divide the content by using proper headings and sub-headings.

13. Mention the names of sources for the facts and figures published in the article.

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