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The article must be at least 700 words.
Please check your article for grammatical errors or typos
Your article must be 100% unique! The article must not be placed on any other website
Included images are appreciated but not required. Any included photos must be your own and not taken from another website.
Do not overly promote your site. the article must feel authentic and a resource that can stand on it’s own. A link to your site is okay but try not to overly promote it.
Article must be engaging and useful to maltipoo, cockapoo or cavapoo owners, and/or those seeking to care for a doodle puppy.
Article must be formatted correctly with proper headers, bullet points, etc.
Please include your bio and a photo of yourself to include in the author section of the article.
Small dog health and medical conditions
Dog training tips
Grooming and caring for your dog
Traveling with your dog
How to videos and articles