Magazines World
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MagazinesWorld is one of the best and free guest blog platform to share news and information about exams, courses, colleges, schools, coaching institutes, universities, eligibility and fee to get admission.  Apart from this, you can share news and information on travel, insurance, finance, banking, food, relationship, family, health, wine, volunteering, shopping, technology, career, business, entertainment, home improvement, hotels, lifestyle, marketing, animals and sports.

1. The post will be permanent
2. The post will be Google indexed
3. Casino, Bitcoin, Crypto currency, Betting, CBD, Adult content NOT acceptable. For Casino, Bitcoin, Crypto currency, Betting, CBD content acceptable for $20 extra
4. Promotional articles are not acceptable
5. Only One do-follow link is available per article
6. You have to provide at least 800 words, 100% unique, informative not promotional content