Category News & Media
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Domain Authority (DA) 52
Page Authority 42
Moz Rank 4.2
Links In 3123
Equity 328
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Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 5333828
SemRush Keywords num 269
SemRush Traffic 29
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SemRush URL Links num 207
SemRush HOST Links num 10243
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 10249
Facebook comments 36
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We accept news articles, press releases, and thought leadership pieces.


If we do not publish news stories on our website your posts will be at risk of being deindexed or affected by Google’s Eat Algorithm.



 Q: Are links do-follow | A: Yes

Q: Are links permanent | A: Yes

Q: Do the above prices include content? | A: No, you must provide the content.

Q: Do you offer Niche Edits on existing posts. | A: Yes. The fee is $60 and can only be placed in articles over 12 months old.

Q: Do you accept Gambling, CBD, or Payday Loan links. | A: Big NO

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