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  1. Content Requirements:

    1. Minimum Word Count: 750+ words of unique, high-quality, and informative content.
    2. Focus: Articles should provide value to readers and not read as advertisements. Avoid client names or sales-oriented language.
    3. Images: Include at least one feature image you have permission to use. Provide photo credits if required.
    4. Links: One do-follow client link per post, with at least one authority link and one internal link to our blog. 
  2. Content Restrictions:

    1. Client Names: We are looking to post broadly informative content, not advertisements. Client names are strictly prohibited.
    2. Endorsements: The article can not be written as an endorsement to a client. That would fall under sponsored by Google's terms, which requires no-follow links. 
    3. Call to Action: No call to action - article cannot tell the reader to follow up with your client (for example - "get a free estimate on..."
    4. Prohibited Topics: Articles containing references to cryptocurrencies, gambling, casinos (online or otherwise), CBD, drugs or illicit activities, will be declined. 

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