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Publishing time 3 working days & going through your submission to proofread and check other factors.
In order to be considered, your article must contain the following:
Each article should have a catchy title, and be divided into explanatory and crisp headings and subheadings. Breaking the article down into smaller sections will help to hold readers’ attention.
Needless to say, no errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, etc. will be tolerated. Cross-check your writing for typographical errors before sending it to us for consideration.
We are looking for articles that are at least <1000> words in length.
Ensure that your writing is crisp and engaging, with short and easy sentences. Each paragraph should also be concise and contain no more than 3-4 lines.
Attach high-resolution images to your article. Each item should be available for reuse, and to ensure that, you can use stock photos from different sites. Images should be in JPEG or PNG format.
Once published, we will own the piece, and you cannot post it on another site or blog. You’ll be allowed to add one link in the body of the article.