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1. The article should be fresh, informative, and grammatical error-free.

2. Only 1 commercial link will be accepted. If you wish, you can add 1 extra high authority blog post link.

3. Your commercial link will be do-follow and permanent.

5. The article must have a compelling intro, conclusion, subheading, and points.

6. The article should be related to our website and industry-related.

7. We don’t accept Casino, Gambling, and adult-related content or links.

8. We do charge extra for Vaping, CBD, Essay writing, Crypto, Bitcoin related links (Extra charge of $100).

9. The article should be published within 2 days if the article meets our editorial guidelines.

10. Please don’t build low-quality tier 2 links to your blog post. If we discover low-quality links to blog posts, your post will be removed without any refund.

11. The payment should be made within 7 days.

12. You have to provide at least 700 words, 100% unique

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