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Guest Post Guidelines

Relevance: We primarily focus on content related to Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, style, Photography,Makeup, celeb gossips, Fashion Trends, Fashion Events, Fashion Design, Apparel, Fashion Production, Fashion Marketing, Footwear, Influencers,Luxury/High fashion, Mass/ High-street fashion.

we strictly do not accept content related to gambling, casinos, drugs, CBD, and any other casino-related subjects.

Originality: We value original content that hasn't been published elsewhere. Please submit articles that are unique and not plagiarized and AI free.

Content Structure: Organize your content with clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability.

Word Count: Aim for a word count between 800 to 1500 words.

Images: If applicable, include high-quality images,
Avoid using linking words at the beginning of the sentence

SEO Best Practices: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your article to improve search visibility.
Content should be SEO-optimized.
Use tags appropriately for headers.
Write 55 characters Meta title and 155 Characters Meta Description.
Compose short, crisp paragraphs.
The image size should be under 100kb.