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Hey there, content creator! Looking to share your awesome work with the world? Here's what you need to know about contributing to our website:

**1. Your writing stays put! ** Once it's posted, it's here for the long haul.

**2. Google will see it! ** We're indexed, so your work has the potential to reach a wider audience.

3. Certain topics are off-limits, like gambling, adult content, and things involving crypto or CBD.

**4. No sales pitches here! ** We're looking for informative, engaging content, not promotional articles.

5. Two dofollow links can point back to your site. Share two valuable resources with your readers.

6. Quality content is key! Aim for at least 1000+ words, original, and packed with insights (not just fluff).

7. Keep the anchor text friendly. Think "click here", "read more", and your website's name.

If you're down with these guidelines, we'd love to see your writing! Remember, we're all about creating a valuable resource for our readers, so let's team up and share your expertise! ✨

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