BizDirect Asia
Category Business & Finance
Link Type Do Follow
Max Links Allowed 3
Domain Authority (DA) 54
Page Authority 47
Moz Rank 4.7
Links In 1231357
Equity 2685
Google Indexed Pages Check Indexed Pages
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Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 4503920
SemRush Keywords num 2239
SemRush Traffic 44
SemRush Costs 8
SemRush URL Links num 7744
SemRush HOST Links num 298663
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 2858047
Facebook comments 21
Facebook shares 339
Facebook reactions 1

Our business directory website has 250k traffic and DA 71 by ahrefs.
I believe we can create great synergy.
For guest posts, we would like to propose some conditions as below:
- The posts we accept should fall under themes that are relevant to our website niche and audience. Since it's a business directory website, we would like to welcome contents related to B2B, sales/ marketing, IT, Law, finance, cryptocurrency, M&A, technology, real estate, logistics, manufacturing, market research, startups, current news etc.  
- We can only accept articles written in English language.  
- Minimum 500 words
- Articles will remain live for the lifetime of the website
- No ad/ sponsored tags are ok for us
- Do follow links are ok (Up to 3)
- Promotional articles are ok
- Casino/ CBD related contents are ok at additional cost of $20