Category Digital Marketing
Link Type Do Follow
Max Links Allowed 2
Domain Authority (DA) 56
Page Authority 49
Moz Rank 4.9
Links In 7562
Equity 2481
Google Indexed Pages Check Indexed Pages
Sample Guest Post ...
Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 336867
SemRush Keywords num 11785
SemRush Traffic 3837
SemRush Costs 412
SemRush URL Links num 3815
SemRush HOST Links num 15857
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 16079
Facebook comments 10
Facebook shares 141
Facebook reactions 37

Here are our guidelines:

* We normally go for 600+ word articles about a relevant topic to the website niche.
* Posts include 1 permanent do-follow link to your choice of target URL. Additional do-follow link(s) to your website can be added for an additional fee.
* 2-3 authority links are acceptable in the post.
* We don't accept Titles or Anchor Text that contain the words "Best", "Review", "Buy", "Cheap", Top" or non-English text (unless it's the brand name); due to the latest Google update. If content is received containing any of these words, you agree that our team will adjust your content to fit our guidelines, and proceed with publication.
* We do not add sponsored tags.
* All posts are immediately submitted for indexing by our custom tool.
* TAT is 24 hours after we confirm your order.

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